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You selected the issue: Can't connect to a wireless network
Power cycle network equipment
Some network issues can be resolved by power cycling your network equipment (router, modem, powerline adapters, etc.). Every device is different; however, most can be power cycled by following these steps:

  1. Repeat these steps for each device, starting with your router
  2. Locate the power cable connected to your device
  3. Unplug the power cable from your device
  4. Wait 30 seconds
  5. Plug the power cable back in and allow the device to fully restart (around 60 seconds)
Power cycle Steam Link and computer
Some issues can be resolved by power cycling your Steam Link and computer.

  1. Unplug the power cable from your Steam Link
  2. Wait 3 seconds
  3. Plug the power cable back in and allow the Steam Link to fully restart (around 30 seconds)
Check for router firmware updates
Some network issues can be resolved by updating your modem and router so that they are using the most current firmware. For information on specific routers or modems, you will need to contact the original manufacturer.
Try a wired connection
We recommend using a wired connection for the best streaming experience.
If you're unable to connect wirelessly, try connecting your Steam Link to a wired network.