Steam Support
Steam Levels and XP

Who can level up their Steam Community profile?

Anyone who is not a limited user will earn a Steam level based on their account's current badges and games. You must create your Steam Community profile to view your Steam level. Limited users do not qualify for Steam levels and will remain at level 0.

How do I increase XP on my profile to level up?

There are a number of ways to increase your profile level on Steam. These include:
  • Purchasing games
  • Earning badges
  • Crafting badges
  • Upgrading badges

For more information about your Steam level and how to increase it, please see the Trading Cards FAQ.

What does having Steam Levels give you?

  • The maximum amount of friends is initially capped at 250 for accounts. For every Level gained, you will be able to have 5 more friend slots. This can expand to a maximum of 2000 total possible friends.
  • For every 10 Levels gained, you will receive 1 Showcase slot. These can be used to display a unique Showcase on the Profile (achievements, videos, screenshots, etc.). This can expand to a maximum of 20 at this time but more may be added in the future. Note: if you have bought an extra Showcase on the Points Shop, that adds an extra Showcase slot on top of the maximum.

I have badges, but my XP is stuck at 100 on level 0. What is wrong?

Limited users do not qualify for Steam levels. If you are a limited user, your XP will not increase and your level with remain at 0. For more information on limited users and how to become unlimited, please see the Limited Users FAQ.

I bought a game, but my XP only increased by x amount. Shouldn't it be more?

The XP that you have earned is the correct amount. For further insight, you may try searching or posting on the Steam Discussions.


Steam Support is unable to alter your Steam level and cannot grant XP, badges, trading cards or other economy items.
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