Steam Support
Reporting content within the Steam Community
Steam allows users to interact with each other and share content throughout the community. When posting any content on Steam, we require that users follow our Rules and Guidelines as well as our Online Conduct Agreement.

Users are encouraged to report any content that is in violation of these rules, so that it can be reviewed.

You can also learn more on how to address abuse, harassment and other misconduct on Steam:
What options are available?

How to report inappropriate content

User Profiles/Avatars

  1. Navigate to the user's Steam Community profile
  2. Click on the large "..." button in the upper-right corner of the page
  3. Select "Report Player" from the dropdown
  4. Select a category of abuse and enter a brief description of the abuse

Community Groups

  1. Navigate to the group's main Steam Community page
  2. Click on the "Report Group" button in the right sidebar
  3. Select a category of abuse and enter a brief description of the violation

User Generated Content ( Reviews. Screenshots, Artwork, Workshop, etc.)

  1. Select the content that you wish to report
  2. Click the "gear" at the right side of the page and select "Report" from the available options.
    Click the "flag" button below the content. Which option you see will depend on how you are viewing the content in Steam.
  3. Enter a brief description of the violation including any relevant context

Steam Discussions

  1. Navigate to the content that you want to report
  2. Click on the "down arrows/chevron" icon in the upper-right corner of the post
  3. Select "Report this post"
  4. Enter a brief description of the abuse

How to report abusive behavior

  1. Navigate to the user's Steam Community profile
  2. Click on the large "..." button in the upper-right corner of the page
  3. Select "Report Player" from the dropdown
  4. Select a category of abuse and enter a brief description of the abuse

How to report cheating

Follow the instructions on our Reporting Suspected Cheaters FAQ.

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