Steam Support
Right-handed and Left-handed Models in Valve games
How do I switch my weapon from one hand to the other?

Team Fortress 2

To switch to left-handed models in Team Fortress 2, please use this process:
  • Launch Team Fortress 2.
  • Go to Options and then to the Multiplayer tab
  • Click Advanced
  • Check the box next to "Flip viewmodels"

Gold Source games (Counter-Strike, Half-Life)

If you cannot switch your weapon to the right-hand, please go to your advanced video options and change the renderer to either OpenGL or Direct3D. The software renderer does not support right-handed models.

You can select left or right-handed models by typing the following command into the Console:

  • To use your left-hand: cl_righthand 0
  • To use your right-hand: cl_righthand 1

To permanently use left-handed models, you may create a userconfig.cfg file with the cl_righthand 0 command. Please follow these instructions to create a userconfig.cfg file:

  1. Locate the subfolder in your game folder that holds the config.cfg file

    For example, you can find the config.cfg file for Counter-Strike at [Steam installation directory]\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike\cstrike\config.cfg
  2. Create a new text file in that directory called userconfig.cfg
  3. Open the file with Notepad and enter cl_righthand 1 (to use the right-handed model) or cl_righthand 0 (to use the left-handed model)
  4. Save the file
  5. Launch the game to test the userconfig.cfg settings

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