Steam Support
Reporting suspected cheaters


Please do not post SteamIDs, cheats, or links to websites offering cheats anywhere on Steam or Steam discussions.

How do I report players I believe are cheating on VAC-secured servers?

If you believe a player is cheating in-game you may report them via the Steam Community or in-game. To report a player through Steam Community you first will need to visit their Steam profile.

To reach a user's Steam Community profile while in-game:
  1. Press Shift+Tab (by default) to bring up the Steam Overlay.
  2. In the Friends panel on the left, click "View Players".
  3. Find the offending player under the appropriate tab and click the player's avatar.

Now that you are on the user's Steam Community profile, instructions to report them for cheating are below:
  1. Click on the "..." button in the upper-right corner of the user's profile.
  2. Click on "Report Player" in this dropdown.
  3. Select "They are cheating in a game" > "Submit this account for review" and fill out the details of what happened and the game it occurred in, then select the "Submit Report" button.

To report a cheater in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive:

  1. Press and hold the scoreboard key (default: tab).
  2. Press your alternate fire/zoom key (default: right mouse button) to show a mouse cursor.
  3. On the scoreboard, click the name of the player you would like to report and select 'Report'.
  4. Check boxes for the cheating offenses you believe they are committing (Wall Hacking, Aim Hacking, and/or Other Hacking) and click 'Accept'.

To report a cheater in Dota 2:

  1. Bring up the scoreboard during the match.
  2. Locate the player you suspect and click the flag next to their hero portrait.

Additional information on Valve Anti-Cheat can be found here. Please note, if you are playing on an unsecured or Community server you must report cheating to a server administrator. Steam Support cannot ban players for activities on unsecured or Community servers.
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