Steam Support
How do I change my Steam account password?

Forgot your password? Try self-recovery or contact Steam Support:

You can use the Help site to try to self-recover your account. If you work through the recovery process and can't recover the account automatically, at the end of the process you'll be presented with an intake form to contact the Steam Support team for help.

When contacting Steam Support try to provide as much of the following as possible:
  1. Proof of account ownership
  2. Any possible Steam Account login names
  3. Any possible email addresses used on the account

Changing your Steam Account password

Open the Steam client and select 'Steam' in the upper left and then 'Settings' (Preferences on a Mac).

From the 'Security' tab, select "Change Password".

Select the option to send a verification email to the email address associated with the account.

An email from Steam Support will be sent to the email address associated with your Steam account. If you don't receive an email, make sure to check your spam folder.

Enter the 5 character code from the email and then enter a new password. NOTE: It must not be a previous password and must meet the password strength requirements.

When you've completed changing your password, you'll receive confirmation by email.
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