Steam Support
How to Report a Scammer, Hijacker or Phisher
Reporting a scammer, hijacker or phisher through their Steam Profile will always be better than submitting a Steam Support ticket containing your report. A community report includes the best information about the interaction between your accounts, and is quicker to review and act on.

Reporting a friend's hijacked account can also be useful for Steam's moderators to lock that account until its owner can recover it.

To avoid scams in the future, ensure that you know the methods that a malicious user may use to attempt to scam. You can find detailed information in the Scam FAQ.

Steam moderators do not take action or issue restrictions unless the reported infraction can be verified against the reported account's actual use.

Some scammers may attempt to threaten your account with mass or automated reporting. Steam disregards all automated or malicious reports and will lock any accounts involved. You can be sure your account is safe from any attempt to weaponize reports unless you're using your account in a way that violates Steam's rules.

Some scammers may claim they've mistakenly or falsely reported you and you need to take action to save your account. This is a scam and can be ignored:
Scam: I Have Been Reported and Will Be Banned

If you are scammed, phished, hijacked, or wish to report another account as hijacked, please use the Report feature built into Steam:
  1. Go to the Steam profile of the offending user
  2. Click the '...' drop-down button located at the top right of the page
  3. Choose "Report Player"

  4. Select the category of offense which best describes the behavior you are reporting.

  5. Select the violation.

  6. Write a short statement about your interaction with this user, and hit "Submit Report". Note: You can also choose to block this user.

If you have been scammed, we recommend that you review Steam's Scam FAQ, the Recommended Trading Practices article and the Steam Item Restoration Policy for more information.

For information on how to safeguard an account, please read the Account Security Recommendations and Account Phishing articles.

If you have lost items due to your account being compromised, please see the Steam Item Restoration Policy article for more information.

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